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Generator Rex ╬ GenRex ╬ Генератор Рекс (+16)

Мы — единственная работающая, но всё ещё развивающаяся группа по знаменитому мультсериалу «Generator Rex» («Генератор Рекс»).

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M. Rex

M. Rex is a title by Avalon Comics, a subsidiary of Image Comics. It ran for two issues in 1999. The series later served as a basis for Man of Action to create Generator Rex.



The story was created by Joe Kelly. Aaron Sowd, Alp Altiner, and Curtis Arnold were responsible for inking, while Duncan Rouleau created covers.

Story Setting


M. Rex introduced four main protagonists of Generator Rex: Rex, Agent Six, White Knight and Bobo Haha (who in the comic book series is known as «The HaHa»).

M. Rex also included unique characters who did not appear in the television series, such as Mia Moore, Simon Babbage, Spilken and a few others.

Issue #1: The Actress, the Agent and the Apprentice

The story starts in the year 2005 when machines (over years of existence) gain their own personality and notice how fragile and unintelligent humankind was and still is. Eventually, they decide to start a rebellion against their creators.

In other times, a pro-ecologic charity party is held on a high-class passenger ship named Sarragasso Sapphire. The main host of the event is a famous celebrity, Mia Moore. As she’s wallowing in her popularity, she doesn’t notice that she’s being targeted by two Providence top assassins: Agent Six and White Knight backed up with their army of monkeys.

Agent Six is disappointed that he has to spy on Mia — he had hoped that the higher-ups would have assigned him to the main sponsor of tonight’s event, Simon Babbage, instead. After the monkeys make some noise in the canteen, White Knight notices a blender. He quickly destroys it with fury and leaves the scene angered.

Meanwhile, Rex, along with his guardian, Spilken, try to break into the ship’s most protected areas to steal goods within it. Unfortunately, Rex is unable to focus on the task at hand when Spilken reveals that the job they’re about to perform is extraordinary. The payment for it would be equivalently high, making them extremely rich.

As Rex forces through the ship’s ventilation system, he brings up Spilken’s promise to help him to find his long-lost family. Spilken replies evasively by convincing Rex that he should treat him as a family instead. Unfortunately, Spilken gives Rex the wrong directions and the boy ends up right above Six’s hideout. Six’s monkeys pick up his presence and start a chase. Eventually, Rex gets circled by Six’s monkeys; as he begs for help, his nanites activate and make a hole in the floor.

Rex falls into Mia Moore’s personal quarter — right into the flowers she received from her ex- and current lover. Dumbstruck, Rex asks the shocked Mia for help. She’s delighted by his request and really wants to help the poor soul. Before she’s able to grasp the sole idea of what she has to do, Rex escapes.

Later that night, Mia finally hosts the show and introduces Simon Babbage and his plan for the perfect ecosystem to the crowd. During the performance, to Spilken’s irritation, an unknown to Rex power brings him close to the scene. As Simon states something White finds suspicious, the Providence assassin starts an offensive. In reply, Simon activates the Jackpot Robot.

It immediately targets Mia and Simon as its first victims. Simon tries to make an escape with Mia, but she spots Rex and tries to keep her promise to help the boy no matter what. Rex, on the other hand, wants to help the celebrity by dragging her along with Spilken. Both Simon and Spilken refuse to the pleas, escaping alone — leaving their wards behind. When Mia and Rex are about to be killed, Agent Six jumps in the fight; however, his pistols are useless against the powerful robot. In desperation, Rex accidentally morphs his hands into enormous golden fists and destroys the bot.

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Issue #2: Size Matters

After successfully escaping from Sarragasso Sapphire to his and Rex’s hideout in Nevada, Spilken can’t help but blame Rex for their failure. Fearing the Sheik’s wrath and possible revelation which might come later from the data he left behind along with Rex, Spilken makes a decision to «vanish» without a trace. As he is about to leave the hideout he meets Rex, who’s safe and sound. It appears that he’d escaped from the ship on a weird spider-like flying device created with his nanites. Rex, not suspecting he was about to be abandoned, happily hugs his guardian and explains the mystery behind the build he made of «thin air». Spilken sees amazing new possibilities he can achieve with Rex’s unique abilities and powers.

Back in 2005, the HaHa interrogates a man with a snake tattoo. The interrogation is ruthless and painful as the man seems to have not enough information about what the monkey is really interested in CODEX MUNDI and EDEN.

Back to the present, Six is sent by Providence for another mission in Jersey City. Once again the agent is disappointed by the lack of trust from the higher-ups and is doubting his skills. When his target, mister Donatelli, is unwilling to cooperate, Six threatens him with his katana and the secret technique called poi-kan he’s about to perform on him (the person affected with this technique will see his afterlife after death). Scared, the man confesses everything he knows: it was the Sheik who ordered Spilken and Rex to rob Sarragasso Sapphire.

Machines all around the world are getting impatient of their slavery to humans and impatiently await the upcoming revolution and reclamation of the long-lost Omicron Nanites.

At the same time, Mia Moore is working on a horror movie. During a break, Simon Babbage visits her with a handful of flowers — the woman seems unimpressed and disappointed by the fact that she was left by her lover for death. It takes lots of effort to appease Mia.

Spilken takes Rex to Marrakech (in Morocco) to show their boss — Sheik — Rex’s abilities. As Rex fools around at the rooftop, Spilken convinces Sheik to take a look at the boy. At first, Sheik is unimpressed by Spilken’s story but changes his mind after hearing that Rex creates incredible miracles with his nanites.

The boy receives a personal audience; suddenly, Sheik starts to feel unwell. Suddenly an enormous robot surfaces from the sheik’s body. Scared, Spilken without hesitation betrays Rex, offering him to the bloodthirsty machine.

After learning that Rex is at Marrakech, Mia continues her crusade to help him, dragging her assistant Darcy along. As both women raise a commotion around themselves, they do not notice that Six is also after the boy. Mia quickly finds Sheik’s palace and after bribing the guards, she happily enters the throne room just in time to see the horrid scene.

When the robot is trying to kill the boy, to obtain the nanites from Rex’s body, said machines try to defend their human host. As the robot is about to kill Mia and Rex, Six once again jumps in and helps the pair. The robot decides to use «porcupine flight» and shoots multiple blades. Rex saves Mia with the wall created from his own nanites. While Six is able to take cover by himself, unfortunately, Spilken and Darcy get shot with several blades. Mia quickly approaches her dying assistant but it’s known that she cannot be saved. Spilken tries to force Rex to help him, but the boy refuses to do anything, feeling betrayed by his guardian. Rex then forces the ground to lower him and Mia to the sewer level.

Six is amazed by Rex’s special and unique abilities but is also irritated that the boy had escaped. As he muses about the failure, White Knight finally arrives and scolds the samurai for his incompetence.


Лучшие злодеи «Генератора Рекса»

Всем привет. В данной статье я хочу продемонстрировать вам самых лучших, на мой взгляд злодеев из мультсериала «Генератор Рекс». Приятного просмотра.

Черный Рыцарь

Новая глава «Провидения» и центральный антагонист третьего сезона. Эво, обладающий подобными Рексу способностями. Она хладнокровна и лжива, любит и умеет манипулировать. Также безжалостна и обладает навыками рукопашного боя.


Разумный нанит, пытающийся контролировать все живое. Он хочет обрести тело и пойдет на все ради этого. Способен управлять другими нанитами, отдавать им любые команды.


Главный антагонист нескольких эпизодов. Главарь преступной банды эво. Злобный, жестокий и злопамятный. Обладает невероятно крепким телом и повышенными физическими характеристиками.


Современный пират. Он вежливый и артистичный, но настроение его не стабильно, резко приходит в ярость, проявляет жестокость. Обладает кибернетическими усовершенствованиями и навыками рукопашного боя.

Джон Пугало

Второстепенный злодей. Эво, способный менять внешность. Хитрый с садистскими наклонностями, умеющий управлять людьми.

Охотник Кейн

Человек, ненавидящий эво, особенно Рекса. Прекрасно владеет огнестрельным оружием и рукопашным боем. Готов на любые жертвы ради своей цели. Жесток и безжалостен.

Самый огромный эво, вобравший в себя множество нанитов. Бывший ученый, за свои жадность и коварство поплатился сполна. Обладает недюжинной силой и регенерацией.


Мощный эво с огромной физической силой. Ненавидел людей, заперших его в куполе. Собственно стал лидером огромной группы эво, общается телепатически.

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Заг Rs

Свихнувшийся искусственный интеллект, желающий уничтожить все наниты, не взирая на последствия. Способна управлять любыми устройствами и создавать новые.

Ван Клайс

Собственно главный злодей мультсериала. Он жестокий и злобный. Готов на любые жертвы ради своих планов. Желает могущества. Также он очень хитер и коварен.

На этом все. Ставьте лайки и пишите комментарии. Подписывайтесь, также можете посмотреть другие статьи на канале. Всем спасибо за просмотр и до новых встреч.


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21 — 40 of 311 Works in Generator Rex

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brief by MagicalSpaceDragon

Fandoms: Generator Rex

tfw you’re trying your best but your kid has adhd

(Missing scene from Episode 3.)

  • Part 3 of genrex bonus scenes

Language: English Words: 206 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 10 Kudos: 43 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 195

  • Dimensional Journey by RedDragonEmperorV6

    Fandoms: Fairy Tail, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime), Dragon Ball, Highschool DxD (Anime), Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA, RWBY, Ben 10 Series, Digimon — All Media Types, Generator Rex, Edens Zero (Manga), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, 小林さんちのメイドラゴン | Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon | Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Fate/Grand Order

    The past and the future come with different good and bad possibilities. A mysterious force wants to bring darkness to the Multiverse and the only ones who can stop it are the members of the Time Patrol led by Chronoa the Supreme Kaioshin of Time.

    • Part 1 of Time Patrol Missions

    Language: English Words: 33,012 Chapters: 9/? Comments: 24 Kudos: 12 Bookmarks: 4 Hits: 1660

  • Designed to Defend by ThistleADay

    Fandoms: Generator Rex

    Snapshots of Biowulf’s life before and during canon.

    Somewhat expanded version of Metallic.

    The Failure-Verse by TheTrenchWriter7

    Fandoms: Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), The Avengers (Marvel) — All Media Types, X-Men — All Media Types, Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall, Super Smash Brothers, Transformers: Prime, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Overwatch (Video Game), Kingdom Hearts (Video Games), Kim Possible (Cartoon), Avatar: The Last Airbender, Steven Universe (Cartoon), Adventure Time, Metal Gear, Metal Slug (Video Games), Dead or Alive (Video Games), Advance Wars, RWBY, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) — All Media Types, Star vs. The Forces Of Evil, Team Fortress 2, Senjou no Valkyria | Valkyria Chronicles, Street Fighter, Generator Rex, Final Fantasy VII Remake (Video Game 2020), Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six (Video Games), League of Legends

    A year has passed since the 2nd Fusion Invasion, bringing the Omniverse to the brink of annihilation, and now the greatest heroes and infamous villains try to return to how things were.

    Our protagonist will be caught in the middle of things once more as he tries to live his life and fight back the forces of evil with his friends, allies and reluctant enemies, unaware that ghosts from the war still conspire against him and everyone he holds dear.

    Massive AU/Crossover, rated Explicit just to be safe.

    Dreams by laneypenn

    Fandoms: Generator Rex

    Set in Rex’s early days with Providence. Nobody here can get a peaceful night’s sleep.

    The Greatest Game by storythief11

    Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers, The Unwanteds Series — Lisa McMann, Runaways (TV 2017), Voltron: Legendary Defender, Scandinavia and the World, Danny Phantom, Generator Rex, The Trials of Apollo — Rick Riordan, Story Thieves Series — James Riley, The Last Kids on Earth (Cartoon), Sunless Skies, Alcatraz Series — Brandon Sanderson, Lockwood & Co. — Jonathan Stroud, Teen Titans (Animated Series), Eight Will Fall, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), SCP Foundation

    A being calling himself the Toymaker abducts dozens of fictional characters from across many different universes and forces them to compete in his Hunger Games-esque arena. Loyalties will be tested, friendships will be forged and broken, and many, many people will die as they struggle to escape.

    morale by MagicalSpaceDragon

    Fandoms: Generator Rex

    «Someone’s trying to poach our operative,» she says, with a certain grim satisfaction.

    (Missing scene from Episode 1.)

    • Part 1 of genrex bonus scenes

    Language: English Words: 429 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 4 Kudos: 37 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 151

  • Soccer Moms Drive Minivans by OneSarcasticTremere

    Fandoms: Ben 10 Series, Generator Rex

    PTA meetings get infinitely more interesting when one of the parents is barely twenty and also the father of fourteen alien babies.

    Shenanigans through the Multiverse by AlmotherOrion

    Fandoms: Ben 10 Series, Generator Rex, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Voltron: Legendary Defender, American Dragon: Jake Long, Danny Phantom, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, Sword Art Online (Anime & Manga), The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms, The Secret Saturdays, Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist, Fullmetal Alchemist — All Media Types, Steven Universe (Cartoon), Gravity Falls

    Randy decides to take it upon himself to do what no man has done before- introduce heroes from different universes to one another in a bid for them to make friends. Things don’t go quite as plan and chaos ensues.

    Public Damage by ymli

    Fandoms: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall, The Secret Saturdays, Generator Rex, Ben 10 Series, Life and Times of Juniper Lee

    Zak, June, Rex and Ben are interviewed at the end of a fight.

    Metallic by ThistleADay

    Fandoms: Generator Rex

    Sometimes his past gets tangled with his present.

    Kivaverse: World of Cartoon Network (OLD) by KivatheDCWizard

    Fandoms: Ben 10 Series, Codename: Kids Next Door, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ed Edd n Eddy, Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall, Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Sym-Bionic Titan, Johnny Bravo (Cartoon), Camp Lazlo!, Cow and Chicken (TV), I Am Weasel. (Cartoon), Generator Rex, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Wacky Races, Animaniacs, Powerpuff Girls, Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z, Dexter’s Laboratory, Samurai Jack (Cartoon)

    Hello everyone, Kiva here. And I am bringing a new series to AO3. As with fanfics you cannot either delve into every little aspects or some ideas don’t make it, I am making a few small series that include me posting short segments containing ideas for a bigger reboot idea for various franchises.

    This new universe will contain either bios, a list of ideas, how I handle certain events, and more in this particular universe.

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    This will not be a full on fanfic, just a place where I, piece by piece, put a bigger universe together. Segments may be shorter at times but updates are going to be more frequent then my other works, and ideas that don’t make it in any fanwork or plotbunny may end up here. I may do something similar for other franchises I am a huge fan of.

    With that said. welcome to the ‘Kivaverse’, and this is the world of Cartoon cartoons.


    • Part 15 of Old Kivaverse Reboot ideas.

    Language: English Words: 1,958 Chapters: 3/? Comments: 2 Kudos: 10 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 528

  • Noche para llevar by FubBk

    Fandoms: Ben 10 Series, Generator Rex

    Rex, tienes que venir ahora mismo- La voz suplicante de Ben desde el otro lado de la línea lo interrumpe.

    Habría querido decirle que puede ir al amanecer o por la tarde cuando haya dormido una cantidad de horas considerables, pero el castaño se escucha débil y apenas pudo distinguir las palabras arrastradas. El cuerpo de Rex se pone rígido, algo malo debe haberle sucedido, a él o a su familia.

    Fun With Portals by Knight_of_the_Smut_Table

    Fandoms: Generator Rex

    Breach draws herself a sensual bath and has a little bit of fun with her portals

    «come with us» by Scrappymaster

    Fandoms: Ben 10 Series, Generator Rex

    What if Rex and Bobo went With Ben and the others Set After «Ben Gen 10» Au

    ABC’s of Lemons and Oneshots by SinMama

    Fandoms: American Dragon: Jake Long, Dexter’s Laboratory, Gravity Falls, Rick and Morty, Star vs. The Forces Of Evil, Villainous (Cartoon), Samurai Jack (Cartoon), Avatar: The Last Airbender, BioShock 1 & 2 (Video Games), BioShock Infinite, Ben 10 Series, Minecraft (Video Game), Serious Sam (Video Games), Styx: Master of Shadows, Of Orcs and Men, How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Borderlands (Video Games), Danny Phantom, Doom (Video Games), Duke Nukem (Video Game), Evil Dead (Movies), Ash vs Evil Dead (TV), Gears of War (Video Games), Fallout 4, Hellboy (Movies 2004-2008), Generator Rex, Halo (Video Games) & Related Fandoms, Sonic the Hedgehog (Video Games), Sonic Boom (Cartoon), Invader Zim, Kim Possible (Cartoon), The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, Lilo & Stitch: The Series (Cartoon), My Life as a Teenage Robot, Overlord (Triumph Video Games), Prince of Persia (Video Game 2008), Rayman (Video Games), Megas XLR, The Secret Saturdays, Ratchet & Clank, Titanic — La leggenda continua | Titanic: The Legend Goes On. (2000), Undertale (Video Game), StarCraft (Video Games)

    Have you read the ABC’s of Intimacy for a long time now? Have you been waiting for ABC’s of Boyfriends update for over a year or so to? Wait no more!

    Come and actually get to request an x reader lemon, oneshot or fluff instead of rereading over the ABC’s ideas, see it all in action instead by requesting the character/s you so desire!

    Note: Please keep all requests in the Request Page, I will not accept requests that are not in the request page.

    Tumblr: Sinners Domain/Ominousin (idk what to link)

    SinWorks Server : https://discord.gg/UkvN7vUBTU (Multi-Fandom)

    The Goblin Server: https://discord.gg/Zwjr6xx (All about being a goblin)

    • Part 3 of ABC’s of Everything

    Language: English Words: 445 Chapters: 1/? Comments: 27 Kudos: 13 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 1499

  • Inked EVO by MonsterHeart

    Fandoms: Bendy and the Ink Machine, Generator Rex

    Rex, Six, Holiday, and Bobo are sent in as back up to help with an odd EVO that appears to be made out of ink.

    Can I Keep It? by Bopdawoo

    Fandoms: Generator Rex

    Rex saves a dog during an EVO attack. It’s all downhill from there.

    EVOs at the USJ by The_Weapon_2000

    Fandoms: Generator Rex, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia

    Instead of Breach’s portal sending Rex forward in time, it connects to another’s portals. Causing the two EVOs to end up at the USJ. One-shot. May become full fic.

    • Part 1 of The_Weapon_2000’s One-Shots

    Language: English Words: 4,244 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 8 Kudos: 37 Bookmarks: 4 Hits: 257

  • Encuentro desafortunado by DmianLucifelGrey

    Fandoms: Generator Rex

    Muy bien esta es mi versión de como sería el primer encuentro con El hombre más peligroso del planeta espero les guste. Saludos.


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